133 simulations in most areas in Physics: kinematics/dynamics
falls from a small height
examples of forces
non-circular motions on a plane
circular motion
two-body systems
waves/1D waves/2D waves
Galilean relativity/Einstein's special relativity
Modern Physics
18 simulations in Mathematics:
general interest
18 interactive tests in organic Chemistry (in Greek)
4 presentations of general interest in science
1 on countries, ISO codes, and national anthems
1 on a 3-parameter linear scaling of a collection of grades
3 utility pieces of software
5 educational games/mind-teasers
All of the simulations are equipped with help and most are equipped with extensive explanatory cards/documents/theories.
Most of the applications are made for teaching at the K12 or a higher level.
Created by SHSoft.gr in Visual Basic 6.0 for MS-Windows.
In the regional settings, choose the Greek language for non-Unicode applications.
For more info, head to: http://www.shsoft.gr/Free/EN/FreeFramesEN.htm
However, most applications are written in both Greek and English.
You need to run the self-extracting setup program for the installation of the whole suite of 183 applications.