Full 1920 X 1080 H.264 MKV video as downloaded from itunes @5177k video bitrate
448k Dolby AC3 Stereo English audio upgrade
192k Italian AC3 audio
Subs found for English Farsi French Greek Portuguese Romanian Spanish and Turkish
hope to add Dutch German Swedish and Italian as soon as we are able - thanks
We been waiting for more subs a long time and this is a top choice movie for us y'know!
This is a movie I saw at a theater when it first came out and found it thoroughly
interesting - a diabolical plot involving Michael Caine playing a gay playwright
looking to knock off his wife in order to take the money from her estate and
get together with his male lover instead, while still remaining perhaps in the
closet as it were.
Dyan Cannon is lovely and spiritedly attractive - a great actress indeed