A side-scrolling action game about a girl who wakes up one day with a penis.
Contact with enemy characters will trigger sex animations and reduce the player's health. The player can recover lost health by having sex with their partner. 4 cumshots will result in a game over. Evade, attack and recovery are your tools to victory!
Check out the playable trial with one stage! The full game has 8 stages and 23 female enemy characters + 4 others (tentacles, etc.) + 3 boss. Animations with female enemies also have facial expression variants for turning the tables.
Including stage clears and game overs, there are over 38 animations to discover!
Read First: 1. All new release Japanese hentai are censored.
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3. [Raw] =non-subtitle. [SubDESU-H],[EROBEAT],[FAKKU],[HH] and [Engsub] =English subtitle
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