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Are you interested in learning about how to hack systems?
Do you want to learn how to protect yourself from being hacked?
Do you wish to learn the art of ethical hacking?
Do you want to know the secrets techniques that genius hackers use?
Do you want to learn how to protect yourself from some of the most common hacking attacks?
Hacking is one of the most misunderstood cyber concepts. The majority of people think of hacking as something evil or illegal, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Indeed, hacking can be a real threat, but if you want to stop someone from hacking you, you must also learn how to hack!
In this book, “Hacking: The Ultimate Beginner-to-Expert Guide To Penetration Testing, Hacking, And Security Countermeasures,” you will learn:
The different types of hackers
The different types of attacks
The proven steps and techniques that the best hackers use
Penetration testing
Hacking Wi-Fi
Hacking Smartphones
Hacking computers
The countermeasures you need to protect yourself from hackers
The future of hacking
And much, much more!
This book goes all the way from the basic principles to the intricate techniques and methods that you can use to hack. It is written to suit both beginners, as well as hacking experts. The book uses a language that beginners can understand, without leaving out the complex details that are necessary with hacking.
This book is a great place to start learning how to hack and how to protect your devices. If you have been waiting for a book that can break it down for you and then dive into the deep end seamlessly, grab a copy of this book today!