MOViE iNFO NAME.........: Hitac
RATiNG.......: 6.3
GENRE........: Drama
DURATiON.....: 76 min
SiZE.........: 1.60 GiB
LANGUAGE.....: Croatian
About UL .........:
Jedan hitac poveže dve u potpunosti različite žene - Anitu, inspektoricu koja se sjajno snalazi u profesionalnom i sasvim dobro u privatnom životu i Petru, mladu devojku kojoj bi svakodnevica sigurno bila jednostavnija da ne mora brinuti za majku alkoholičarku.
Istraga oko slučajnog hitca ispreplest će sudbine Anite i Petre u trenutku kada obadve doznaju da su trudne. Na velikim prekretnicama, svaka u svome svetu i jednako prepuštene same sebi, ove će dve žene, korak po korak, tokom istrage postati bliske.
Nisu to planirale, nisu to ni htele, dogodilo se slučajno. A ta će slučajnost promeniti smerove kojima su planirale krenuti.
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One accidental shot will intertwine the destinies of two young women - Anita, an inspector who gets on amazingly in professional and quite well in her private life and Petra, a young woman whose everyday life would surely be simpler if she did not have to take care of her alcoholic mother. The investigation on the accidental shot will intertwine their destinies at a moment when they both find that they are pregnant. A huge turning point in their lives, each in her own world and equally left on their own, these two women will, step by step, become close during the investigation.