Title: Ikiru (1952)
IMDB: tt0044741
In a Post-War Tokyo, when the bureaucratic chief of department of the City Hall Kanji Watanabe (Takashi Shimura) finds that he has a terminal cancer, he decides to intensively live his last months of life. While dying, he finds the meaning of life, and fights for the construction of a playground in a poor zone of the city and the legacy of his existence.
[Movie Title ]....[ Ikiru
[Release Year ]...[ 1952
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 8.2/10
[Genre ]..........[ Drama
[Runtime ]........[ 143min
[File Size ]......[ 600 MB
[Resolution ].....[ 640*480
[Language ].......[ Japanese
[Subtitle ].......[ Muxed, NOT hardcoded (English)
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)