320k - 4 complete albums from 1991, 1995, 2004, 2005
Here's some lovely singing from Russia - the singer is Misha Marmar and is also to be found
on Apple music and spotify along the way, great euro sounds we could use much more of
in our own neighbourhood - I can tell you. I hope Misha and the folks continue to live in peace and loving harmony, enjoying this great music rather than the negativity trash we are being fed here instead - by an oppressive regime clearly maliciously controlling content over the airwaves with this "cancel human culture" mindset which takes it all the way to Russia's borders in some strange idea of justifying war to spread such notions of "democracy" to the point of threatening to possibly see the end of the world itself. Who would have believed?
Thanks for sharing and enjoying this music
around the cafes in your community wherever you are likely to find yourselves
equally - ta