Minecraft Alpha - Auto-update launcher - Hybrid(Windows, Mac, Linux) v12.2
Game Description:
Minecraft is a sandbox game which allows players to build
constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. It is currently in
development by Markus "Notch" Persson. The gameplay is inspired by Dwarf
Fortress, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Dungeon Keeper, and especially
Infiniminer Minecraft has two variants, Alpha and Classic, both with
single- and multiplayer options. Classic includes only the building aspects of
the game with unlimited blocks, while Alpha includes monsters and a much
greater variety of crafting available, as well as requiring players to mine
their own blocks. Alpha is currently the latest release of Minecraft, and
plans to move into beta sometime in October 2010. Minecraft was developed for
about a week before its public release on May 16, 2009 on the TIGSource
forums, where it gained a considerable level of popularity. It has been
continually updated since then.
Changes In Version 12.2:
- Fixed some bugs related to windows versions.
- Made the login screen even more simple to use.
- Made the launcher internals much more reliable and smart.
- Improvements in backup manager
This version is not really necessary if your last one is working fine.
But the interface is cleaner now, which makes everything more simpler.
The first difference you'll notice is there is no password field in login
screen anymore. It is because the game does not try to before launching the
game anymore. So, no long waiting when minecraft.net is down.
The password really doesn't make any difference when playing on pirate
servers. And who owns a password will prefer to play with the official
For the server owners, you can prevent fake login names on your server
setting up the IP for your users with Hey0 mod(with mysql). And then you can
create a simple login website with your users database and update his IP when
he logs in on your website.
How To Install:
1 - Just run the file suitable for your OS.
I heard a new version is out, how do I update?
1 - At login screen, select "Force Update" checkbox.
2 - Click "Enter Game" button.
I want to play multiplayer mode, how can I do it?
1 - Find a pirate server. You can't play on official servers. Sorry.
Personal notes:
Tested on Windows 7, Mac OS 10.6.4 and Ubuntu Linux.