ObfuscPHP 2.3.1
Obfusc PHP is an obfuscator and encoder.
Key features:
replaces variables, functions, classes, members, constants names from PHP scripts with nonsense names and obscure strings, removes comments and white spaces without affecting functionality.
Starting with 2.0 it has encoder features to hide entirely the code structure.
Fully obfuscate and encode your project before buying!
No changes required to your source code!
No changes required on server!
PHP4 and PHP5 versions supported.
Easy to use (in 1-2 hours you can be an expert)
Advanced GUI
Great for source/project analysis. You can see easy how/where every name is used.
At least 256 RAM memory(512 recommended)
reasonable CPU
Platform:Windows 2000 or later
dotnet framework is required
administrator account to install .net on your computer
Change history
27 November - release for 2.3.1 (small fix at license)
9 November - release for 2.3
16 August - release of 2.2.0
- GUI improvements
- small bug fixes( copy empty folders) |