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Rick and Morty is an American adult animated television series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of alcoholic scientist Rick and his easily influenced grandson Morty, who split their time between domestic family life and interdimensional travel. Roiland voices the series' titular characters, while the series also stars the voice talent of Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, and Sarah Chalke. The series has its origins in a crude animated short film created by Roiland for film festival Channel 101. Adult Swim approached Harmon for television show ideas, and he and Roiland developed the program based on the short's two characters.
Rick is an eccentric scientist and elderly alcoholic who has recently moved in with his daughter's family. He spends most of his time taking his young grandson Morty and later other family members on dangerous, outlandish adventures throughout the cosmos and alternate universes. Compounded with Morty's already unstable family life, these events cause Morty much distress at home and school.
Source: Uncensored Blu-Ray
File Container: MKV
Video Format: h.265/HEVC 8-bit
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Audio Type: 5.1 Channel Surround
Track 1: English
Audio Format: AAC-LC |