Title: Senran Kagura (Seasons 1-2 + OVA + Specials)
HEVC 10bit SoftSubbed - 1920 x 1080
Encoded by Seasmoke, muxed by Judas
Source: BDMV (~150 GiB)
Audio: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Note: S1 subs from FFF(Hiryuu), S2 subs from CR, OVA subs from roshamboobs, Specials subs from Sigh/Omen.
Seasmoke’s note about Specials’ subs: shifted [Sigh] EP 1 opening cards to the rest of the episodes, since they didn’t stick to one and changed stuff midway. Resampled to 1080p and fixed unsynced TS.
Seasmoke’s note about OVA’s subs: resampled to 1080p, reduced borders to 3.5px and shifted [Hmph] ED styling, since [roshamboobs] looked worse and didn’t include romaji lyrics.