Star Wars is an epic space opera franchise initially conceived by George Lucas during the 1970s and significantly expanded since that time. The first film in the franchise was simply titled Star Wars, but later had the subtitle Episode IV: A New Hope added to distinguish it from its sequels and prequels.
Star Wars was released on May 25, 1977 by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon,
initially spawning two sequels. Twenty-two years after Star Wars was released, Lucas began the release of
a second trilogy as a prequel to the original trilogy.
IMDB I-The.Phantom.Menace[1999]DvDrip-mb4t.avi II-Attack.Of.The.Clones[2002]DvDrip-mb4t.avi III-Revenge.Of.The.Sith[2005]DvDrip-mb4t.avi IV-A.New.Hope[1977]DvDrip-mb4t.avi V-The.Empire.Strikes.Back[1980]DvDrip-mb4t.avi VI-Return.Of.The.Jedi[1983]DvDrip-mb4t.avi