The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth. The only known survivors are the residents of twelve space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", wenis galore about 2,400 people live. Resources are scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity are punishable by death ("floating") unless the perpetrator is under 18 years of age. After the Ark's life support systems are found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners are declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth is habitable again. The teens arrive on a beautiful planet they've only seen from space. Confronting the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. However they discover that not all humanity was wiped out. There are people on Earth who survived the war, called "grounders" by the 100....
97 anni dopo che una guerra nucleare globale ha sconvolto il pianeta Terra, del genere umano rimane solo una stazione spaziale, l'Arca, un complesso di 12 stazioni spaziali minori che si trovavano in orbita al momento del disastro. L'Arca ha leggi molto severe per mantenere l'ordine: chi trasgredisce viene punito con la morte per espulsione nel vuoto. Ma ora, l'Arca sta morendo con l'aumento della popolazione e con il rapido deteriorarsi degli impianti di riciclo. I membri del Consiglio decidono di inviare sulla Terra cento delinquenti minorenni per verificare se il pianeta è nuovamente abitabile. Questi giovani ragazzi intraprenderanno un viaggio molto pericoloso su un pianeta per loro affascinante ma sconosciuto e dovranno trovare un modo per superare le differenze, unire le forze e creare un nuovo inizio sulla Terra che ormai è completamente cambiata: è selvaggia, primitiva e piena di insidie.
100 years in the future Earth has been abandoned due to radioactivity. The last surviving humans live on an ark orbiting the planet - but the ark won't last forever. So the repressive regime picks 100 expendable juvenile delinquents to send down to Earth to see if the planet is still habitable.
After all the fighting and loss, Clarke and her friends have reached the final battle. But is humanity worthy of something greater?
Clarke and Octavia mount a desperate rescue mission as the Disciples close in on what they want.
Clarke and her friends reckon with all that has happened only to find an unexpected threat looming.
The red sun derails Clarke's plans.
It's a new day in Sanctum. Clarke, Octavia, Raven and Echo struggle with a new foe.