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MOViE iNFO NAME: HoodWinked RATiNG: 6.4 YEAR: 2005 GENRE: Animation, Comedy, Crime DURATiON: 80 min SiZE: 2.64 GiB LANGUAGE: Sinkronizirano na Hrvatski iMDB:
"Tko je smjestio Crvenkapici", svojevrsni epilog priče o djevočici koja nosi baki kolače, produkt je podivljale mašte scenarista Coryja i Todda Edwardsa, koji su razvili i razotkrili likove iz priče. Pa tako doznajemo da Crvenkapica i nije baš tako naivna kako se čini. Baka ima život za koji nitko nije znao, Vuk i nije baš takav nitkov kao što se činilo, a drvosječa sanja o holivudskom uspjehu.
The recipes of candies of the goody shops have been stolen by the Goody Bandit, and many animals are out of business. While the police are chasing the criminal, there is a mess at Granny's house evolving Little Red Hiding Hood, The Wolf, The Woodsman and Granny, disturbing the peace in the forest and they are all arrested by the impatient Chief Grizzly.