This is a collection of all the uploads from the Unus Annus Youtube channel. This torrent also includes banner images, thumbnails, descriptions, music, and other uploaded videos from the YouTube channels of CrankGameplays and Markiplier.
As of the time of channel deletion at 12:00AM Pacific on November 14 2020, the Unus Annus Channel had 859,833,564 YouTube views
The video files are H264, MKV and WEBM file formats. A few videos including the final live stream are MP4. All the files are in the highest possible quality in which they were uploaded, meaning most of the videos are 1080p while a select few are 4K. This results in a larger file size but overall nicer quality for archival purposes.
(NOTE: I messed up bad, the finale was a 12 hour stream, I got the first 6 hours, then the last 3...Didn't realize youtube-dl truncates a file at 6 hours. Also, livestream DVR was turned off so I could not rewind and capture it...I'm sorry) I do have a low quality 12 hour screen recording of the entire stream, linked here:
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I know their request was to let the channel die at the end, but I could not allow that to happen.
Memento Mori.
Unus Annus. |