Show Summary: At all corners of the Earth humans awaken to the sight of spaceships hovering over every major world city. The ships’ occupants, known only as “The Visitors", spread their message quickly and clearly: They have come in peace, bearing gifts of medical miracles and technological breakthroughs far beyond earthlings’ wildest imaginations. Many of the world’s citizens have been enamored by the aliens and their generous offers, believing every word The Visitors utter. But while on assignment, Homeland Security agent Erica Evans discovers their intentions...
Episode Title: Pilot
Original Airdate: November 03rd, 2009
Anna the leader of the V's wants everyone to unite as one, and puts her faith in humanity's key element which is devotion. The V's are considered to be a threat however they overcome any obstacles thrown at them and become an instant attraction. FBI Counter Terrorist Agent Erica Evans finds a secret hidden beneath the skin of every V... |