These torrents contain VKontakte pictures posted by girls who belong to (or who are likely to belong to) the Russian indigenous peoples whose languages belong to the language families below. The numbers in parentheses are the number of users from each people in these torrents.
Chukotko-Kamchatkan: Chukchi (11), Koryak (1)
Mongolic: Buryat (390), Kalmyk (81)
Paleosiberian: Yukaghir (3)
Turkic: Altai (115), Bashkir (188), Chuvash (105), Crimean Tatar (3), Dolgan (22), Khakas (31), Kyrgyz (27), Shor (2), Siberian Tatar (2), Tatar (310), Tuvan (355), Yakut (819)
Tungusic: Even (111), Evenk (6)
Uralic: Erzya (34), Karelian (4), Khanty (114), Komi (256), Mansi (6), Mari (408), Moksha (54), Nenets (164), Selkup (1), Udmurt (297), Vepsian (5)
Most of the users in this volume are Bashkirs, Chuvashes, or Tatars, because they were not included in the previous torrents, and their total population is about 9 million, which is about twice the total population of the other peoples included in these torrents.
I have selected the pictures in this torrent and the previous torrents from a pool of about 3 million pictures posted by about 400,000 users.
Some users probably do not actually belong to the ethnic group that is included in the filename of their pictures. I found most users by searching for users who had included some Russian minority language as a language they speak. In the case of a few regions like the Tuva Republic where the indigenous population mostly belongs to a single ethnic group, I also used a script like this to find users from the region:
curl ''|jq -r '.response[].cid'|while read l;do
curl "$l&sex=1&age_from=15&age_to=25&has_photo=1&count=1000&access_token=$vkapi&v=4.3"|jq -r '.response[]|objects|.uid'
sleep 10
I used a script like this to make a list of the profile pictures of users:
while read userid;do
curl "$userid&album_id=profile&v=4.3"|jq -r '.response[]|objects|(.owner_id|tostring)+";"+(.pid|tostring)+";"+.src+";"+.src_big+";"+.src_xbig+";"+.src_xxbig+";"+.src_xxxbig'
I used a script like this to make a list of all pictures posted by users:
while read userid;do
curl "$userid&count=1000&need_system=1&v=4.3"|jq '.response[].aid'|while read l;do
while :;do
r=$(curl "$userid&album_id=$l&count=1000&offset=$o&v=4.3")
jq -r '.response[]|objects|(.owner_id|tostring)+";"+(.pid|tostring)+";"+.src+";"+.src_big+";"+.src_xbig+";"+.src_xxbig+";"+.src_xxxbig+";"+(.aid|tostring)'<<<"$r"
jq -e '.response|length<1000'<<<"$r">/dev/null&&break
let o+=1000
Here are magnet URLs for the previous volumes: