Title: The Boondocks
Network: Adult Swim
Genres: Action
, Adventure
, Animation
, Comedy
Year: 2005 Rating: 90 Runtime: 22 Summary: The Boondocks is based on the satiric Aaron McGruder comic strip of the same name. The show follows the adventures of two black boys, Riley and Huey Freeman, who experience a culture clash when they move from southside Chicago to the "boondocks" to live with their grandfather.
Riley is targeted after using offensive language.
Stinkmeaner becomes a celebrity after a video of his fight with Granddad goes viral.
Grandpa's personal assistant program on his phone becomes obsessed with him.
The Freemans get trapped in a slavery-amusement park.
Granddad begins dating a long-lost Kardashian sister and winds up on a reality show.