Title: Fact or Faked: Paranorma...
Network: Syfy
Genres: Documentary
, Mystery
Year: 2010 Rating: 90 Runtime: 45 Summary: Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is set to revolutionize paranormal programming by investigating the evidence witnesses post on the Internet every day. Have you ever seen a photo or video online and wondered, "Is this real?" This is the show that will answer that question.
Heading up the Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files team is Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent who found that his love of the paranormal was greater than his love for the Agency. Now, he leads a young team of intrepid investigators who will convene to dissect the latest unusual images and decide whether they merit further investigation. Grainy videos will be brought to life using the latest in 3D modeling, and Ben will make the final choice which cases will require a trip into the field.
Once an investigation is underway, the team will talk to witnesses, carry out experiments using the latest in high tech detection devices, collect physical samples, and determine whether a case should be debunked, or whether it's a baffling paranormal mystery that might even put the team in danger. It's all in a day's work for the dogged investigators of Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.
Purported poltergeist activity in a Texas bar is probed; footage of a flying witch is scrutinized in Mexico.
Footage from the Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone, Ariz., is scrutinized; a UFO sighting over a Los Angeles freeway is probed.
Visiting Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville to investigate a video of a purported ghost sighting; UFO sightings over Mexico are probed.
A flying saucer case from Santa Ana, Cal., is investigated; claims attributed to "flying rods" in Joplin, Mo., are probed.
The allegedly haunted Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana is visited; UFO footage linked to Area 51 is scrutinized.