Title: Mad Men
Network: AMC
Genres: Drama
Year: 2007 Rating: 90 Runtime: 45 Summary: Set in 1960s New York, Mad Men reveals the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue’s “Golden Age”.
The stories of Don Draper, his family and his co-workers at Sterling Cooper & Partners conclude.
Don has trouble sleeping. Pete is blindsided by a difficult friend. Facing a new challenge, Henry arranges a family reunion.
Don receives a reward for his work. Joan butts heads with her co-worker on an account. Faced with a big decision, Roger dodges.
Don comes up with a big idea, Roger asks Joan to help him fix a clerical error and Peggy has difficulties casting for a commercial.
Roger pawns off a project on Don, Joan goes on a business trip and Peggy and Pete cannot agree on how to deal with an account.